Tuesday, January 02, 2007

January 2

Today was probably the most beautiful January day. I sat outside during my lunch and basked in a warm sun that felt like the glow of a campfire. Tonight, although crisp and cool, has a myriad of bright stars watched over by a round, bulbous, and incandescent moon. I wonder if my baby noticed them, and I wonder what he's thinking right now.

Comedy of the night~

Derrick Fox (in reference to a Hydroxycut commercial): That stuff is dangerous.

Mark Woodward: Yah, it's really got a woman in the box who jumps out and cuts out your liver and spleen. That's why you lose weight.

Me: Thus, the cut in Hydroxycut.

Derrick: And Hydroxy is the name of the woman. Don't make her cut a bitch! She just got up outta jail!!

Ahh, I love it!


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