Friday, October 12, 2007

The Nobel Farce Prize

Prestigious past winners of this prize including terrorist Yasser Arafat, foreign policy buffoon Jimmy Carter, and crook Kofi Annan, are now joined by the illustrious Al Gore. Al certainly deserves this prize over the Polish woman nominated, because she merely risked her own life to forge documents and go into concentration camps where she saved some 2500 Jewish children from certain death. Al, on the other hand, made a hyper-exaggerated fear-mongering movie that is not based in reality and now flies around not affecting any change, but TALKING about the Earth warming by .7 degrees in his older model private jet that has one of the WORST fuel efficiencies and carbon outputs of anything in the skies. The high today will reach 66 degrees here, but it SHOULD be only 65.3 degrees. Clearly it is the .7 degrees that is causing sectarian violence in Iraq, Kim Jong Il's nuclear ambition, and the continuance of Israeli-Palistinian conflict. Way to go Al!!

By the way, previous nominees for the Nobel Farce Prize include Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.


At 12/17/2007 02:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an idiot


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