Have you seen this bee?
Furthermore, Africanized honeybees produce 20% more honey than their European counterparts. They also have an evolutionary advantage with their shorter time from larvae to adulthood. Queens born of an African father also mature faster--a distinct advantage in the queen bee world. The first queen to emerge usually kills off the other queens.
My point in all this bug talk? Clearly white and black people should not intermarry because it would cause a super-race to form that will wipe us all out. I KEEEEEEED!! Seriously, this is what happens when you date a bug-nerd!
Speaking of the guy, I have to immortalize his kind acts of one week ago. Last Sunday before work, Zipper decided to wander a bit farther from home than usual and not return despite my vocal efforts to retrieve him. I was about to be late for work, and I was rather agitated that the dog was lost. Ed helped make and distribute lost dog signs, comforted me, and then brought me Chipotle. The signs paid off, and some good Samaritan neighbors returned the pooch. He also planned and help execute a wonderful V-day dinner this week. I think I'll keep him.
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