Thursday, December 20, 2007


My last few politically charged blog entries have generated a typical response from those who may disagree with me: if I think illegal immigration is a problem, then I am xenophobic. If I don't subscribe to the global warming religion, then I am an idiot or own too many shares of oil stocks.

I wrote the last blog posts in anger. Let me show my compassionate side of the argument while clarifying my positions:

I do not believe global warming is a catastrophic threat that causes everything from more hurricanes to less hurricanes, from bridges collapsing to political turmoil. I do not believe that man is responsible for the latest slight rise in temperature. Volcanoes are by far the highest source of CO2 emissions. The earth's temperature has ALWAYS fluctuated, often drastically BEFORE man ever walked it's surface.

Does this mean I think it's fine to dump pollutants in the air? Does this mean I don't want clean energy, renewable energy, and energy conservation? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I wholeheartedly support and advocate all of the above. I DO NOT think that corrupt government entities like the UN should levy global taxes. I DO NOT trust incompetent bureaucracies for the solutions, nor do I think that Al Gore, who has absolutely no competency as a scientist, is a savior.

The solution should be market driven. The Tesla, for example, goes from 0 to 60 in four seconds and looks like a sex machine! It runs on batteries. I'm down with that!! Solar panels on my roof would lower my electric bills. Um, ok!

As for immigration, I believe illegal immigrants who come here solely to work and find a better life should be treated humanely and compassionately. I do not advocate a mass illegal "roundup." However, for security reasons and for the integrity of our sovereignty, we have the right to know who is coming and going. We have the right to control that process. Admittedly, the naturalization process is seriously flawed. This is an area that should be addressed! What to do with the millions already here is a complex issue that needs sorting out as well. Primarily though, the flow of people needs to be stopped. We can't deal with the floodwaters until the source of the flood has been fixed.

I sympathize with people who want to come here for a better life for themselves and their family, but coming here illegally is not the answer. These people are paid (illegally) BELOW our minimum wage. THEY ARE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF! They have put a huge strain on hospitals and schools in states like California and Arizona. If we do, in fact, NEED this labor force, then why not bring it "above ground." Companies should be forced to pay them minimum wage. The workers should pay taxes if they are to use our schools and other programs.

How about attacking the situation in Mexico? The economy there will NEVER improve if the majority of their hard workers come here! The abject government corruption and the power of the drug lords are serious problems that we should strive to overcome alongside the Mexican people.

In summary, I believe in protecting the environment and conserving our resources. I believe in alternative and renewal energy. I do not believe in more government, more taxes, especially on a global scale. I believe this country has risen to greatness on the backs of immigrants. Most of us are the progeny of immigrants. I believe immigrants will continue to add to the legacy of our great nation. However, in a post-911 world, it is CRUCIAL for this process to be controlled. Furthermore, for the benefit of both immigrant and citizen alike, it MUST be done in a legal manner.


At 12/20/2007 10:53:00 PM, Blogger spaceyhawks said...

Very interesting darling! I had no idea you felt so strongly regarding these political issues. Well done. Kisses! ;-)Miss you.

At 12/25/2007 01:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. 9-11. It sucked, but we are the terrorist now. What we've done is far worse.

At 12/28/2007 08:33:00 AM, Blogger craiger said...

Thanks Trac! Miss you too! I do feel stronly on these issues because I believe our country is great and can do a lot of good in the world. I hope I can do my part to shed a little truth and enlightenment.

Mr. Anonymous--What's up with people being too cowardly or at least too lazy to attach an identity to comments? Secondly, 9-11 far more than "sucked." It was a global changing event, the repercussions of which are still being felt. You clearly have a distorted, tunnel-vision view of your world. Stop taking your "new" from Rosie O'Donnell and wake up! Furthmore, I DEFY you to cite one instance of anything we've done in recent history that even comes close to being comparable to, much less worse than, the evil perpetrated on 9-11. Lastly, it amazes me that we're even "debating" this point. You clearly did not even get the crux of this post.

At 1/06/2008 01:54:00 PM, Blogger Pepperz said...

Damn! Who kidnapped my friend Craig and replaced him with this well-spoken, firey politico! You go Craigers. Now I feel guilty for blogging about muffin tops. LOL


At 1/11/2008 08:33:00 AM, Blogger craiger said...

Oh Toddles! I've always been fiery! =) Muffin tops are important too, I just choose to eat them rather than blog about them! Lime gin and popcorn on the other hand...


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