Thursday, August 25, 2005

Prop me up beside the jukebox. . .

I heard this Joe Diffie classic on the way home from work tonight, and it reminded me of how it really is my mantra. I may want to be remembered for a little more than a jukebox song, but I certainly have the stubborn, quietly rebellious nature embodied by this song. Click here for the lyrics.

So, Jesse, the jeweler at work, has not had any gay friends before. Keri, the office manager, has had limited interaction with homos. Both are having WAY too much fun with the gay thing at my expense. Some quotes below should be sufficient illustration:

"We'll go if the 'gay squad' goes. They're the glue holding this thing together."

"We were thinking about calling the 'queer crew' to see if they wanted to go out tonight."

"Goodnight, Craig, don't get too straight on us, now!"



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