Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tie one on

Yesterday I got to work and realized I had forgotten to bring a tie. As this would be excellent grounds for a severe ass-chewing, I was a little worried as I walked into the door. To compound matters, the Mike (the big boss who is REALLY uptight) is in town. I explained the situation to Mills (the boss) and told him that I would run get a tie after putting out the jewelry. Instead, Mills suggested that Jesse (the jeweler) run to Mills' nearby apartment for one of his own. Since Jesse usually looks pretty sharp, and I didn't have the luxury to be picky, I consented. I should have known better than to trust a straight man to go through another straight man's closet. I don't know who dresses Jesse, but he picked out an UGLY old man tie that really didn't even match. Turns out the tie had been Mike's and was passed on to Mills. Mills (who has horrible taste) thought it looked great. Funniest thing is Mike saw the tie later during training and complimented me on it. I didn't have the balls to tell him it was his own!


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