Eye of the beholder
I've never thought of myself as anything above average looking, but lately I've been getting many compliments. Even my boyfriend of almost 10 months, who should be pretty accustomed to what I look like, can't stop parroting the phrase "your muscles are so big!" Apparently my voice teacher's encouragement "with your looks and... your looks, you could go far!" is coming true. Although I'd rather be praised for something more meaningful, like a career, etc.
On the job note, though, I have great news. Today I was told that I'd be gettting a $1 an hour raise. I feel like I'm now getting paid closer to what I'm worth, which in turn, makes me want to work harder at my job and take a little more pride in it. Not to mention the extra money will be nice.
Furthermore, I've been interested in advertising for a while now and have thought that is a possible career path for me. When I told Mills that, he said I could try my hand at writing some of the store's radio spots! I might even get bonuses for writing them! I've already written one that will be put into production. I worked on it with Callie, who is fun, creative, and smart. I had such a blast! Even if this isn't something I want to do for a career, it is at least making my job more fun/interesting.
So life is pretty good. Last week also saw an upswing in my social life. I had an invite to do something every night last week. It was fun, but pretty crazy. Work hard, work out hard, party hard: that's life for me these days!
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