Monday, June 05, 2006

Not bad for a Monday

Today was a bit hectic but a good day overall. I FINALLY made a good sale at work, so I might be able to afford the couch and loveseat I bought yesterday.

I also dropped off some audition materials to the manager of WS Express (the ad agency here in town). He seemed a lot more receptive today than when I actually interviewed with him. One of my ads was for Chipotle. I don't know how good it is, but it worked on me. I HAD to have Chipotle for lunch today!

My team won all three games of basketball at the gym. I played really well, including hitting the winning shot for one of them.

My only regret from today is that it's such a nice night out. I wish I was going on a walk or something. Oh well...


At 6/08/2006 12:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!! an ad agency! i'm going to have to hear this ad as i am also a fan of the chipotle (pronounced chi po tull) (damn there aren't any IPA characters here). i'm writing you from the blue fugue, craig. jesse just finished playing a set with his band--Big Medicine.
congrats on your move.....i'm looking for a place right now. i'm sure ed has told you...... anyway..........i love you too

At 6/08/2006 04:15:00 PM, Blogger craiger said...

Oh Chipotle!! Boon in my hour of need!! =) Despite the lack of IPA characters, I think I got your drift! Say hi to Jesse! Good luck with the apartment search! PS, we should hang out sometime!


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