Friday, April 09, 2010

Nähe des Geliebten

Ich denke dein,
wenn mir der Sonne schimmer
Vom Meere strahlt;
Ich denke dein,
wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
In Quellen malt.

Ich sehe dich,
wenn auf dem fernen Wege
Der Staub sich hebt,
In tiefer Nacht,
wenn auf dem schmalen Stege
Der Wandrer bebt.

Ich höre dich,
wenn dort mit dumpfem Rauschen
Die Welle steigt.
Im stillen Haine geh' ich oft zu lauschen,
Wenn alles schweigt.

Ich bin bei dir,
du seist auch noch so ferne,
Du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt,
bald leuchten mir die Sterne.
O wärst du da!

J.W. von Goethe

Goethe is truly special. For a translation, go here.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

God Exists

Anyone who doubts the existence of God has not met my dog. Look into Zipper's eyes, and you will know that he is God's gift to the world. He is the consummate companion and loyal friend. I loves him.

Also, look at Eddy G. How can such perfection exist in the world without divine influence? No, he is not perfect. He's just perfect for me...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back To Good

Nearly 1.5 years ago I made the following comment on this photo posted to Facebook: "And the Eddy G cuteness belongs to me! Are we a freakin' cute couple or what? =)"

This weekend, Ed and I rescued our relationship and the Eddy G cuteness belongs to me once more! I am a lucky, lucky man. We are together again metaphorically, and soon we will be together physically as well!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dress for success

Packing always sucks. It's especially stressful when flying to CA to try to win your boyfriend back. Is there an outfit for that?

I feel excited, nervous, inadequate, confident, eager, apprehensive, restless, resigned...

Bring on the morning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Maybe I am scared now
Are you already too far gone?
Have you drifted far away
While I'm here holding on?

Maybe I am crazy now
Can we really bring back the past?
Will you forget the pain inside you,
Or is that too much to ask?

Maybe I am lonely now
Standing outside your door.
Can you look at me and know
The love we felt before?

Maybe I am hurting now
Never thought I'd see the day
You'd run to someone else's arms
And turn my love away.

Maybe I am screaming now
For your very soul to hear.
Search the depths of love, my love,
Can you take away this fear?

Maybe I am foolish now
For offering you my heart.
Can you accept my fervent love
After all this time apart?

Maybe I'm in trouble now
I'm still in love with you.
Loving you was always easy,
Now I don't know what to do.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lats and Laundry

For the first time in at least five years, I find myself single on Valentine's Day. Well, at least somewhat single? It's complicated, as expressed by the Facebook status option. At any rate, I find myself contemplating the meaning of this day and my reactions to it this year. I heard the sentiment (supposedly from Ashton Kutcher) that we should express our love for those close to us 364 days a year and reserve one day for expressing the vitriol and loathing toward those we hate. A noble notion says me!

I'm somewhat surprised that I don't really feel any longing or wistfulness on this day. I think it's because I know I am loved. I have a wonderful family and friends. I have the best dog ever to keep me company. Romantically, I still have feelings for a very special guy. I suppose it's better to have an outlet for love rather than have no object for affection, even if that love isn't requited or the situation less than ideal.

The crux of the situation is this is just another ordinary day. If you're lonely on Valentine's day, it's because you're lonely the day before and the day after as well. If you're in love on V-day, you should be expressing that love every other day too. After work I will go to the gym and do laundry and then try to go to bed on time for once just like any other day.

I'll close with a suggestion to read these well-written musings from the inimitable and ever-witty Mark Steyn. I especially like the Hayakawa quote "that, having found the dream-girl or dream-man, one's problems are just beginning."

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Even the best fall down sometimes...

As Mid-Mo's top jewelry salesman, I like to think I am rather adept with words. Lately, however, I've had some bigtime slips! Last night (at the end of a stressful, emotional day) I actually told a customer "Oh no, our prices are WAY high!" It's not true, of course, and I have no idea what I was actually trying to say... Sheesh. Today in an email I told my client "I have enjoyed working you guys during this entire process." Clearly a crucial "with" was missing from that statement! Wow.

Listen to your heart

After only about six minutes of sleep, with the mental clarity that only comes to the exhausted, I realize my life can be reduced to 80s song lyrics:
There are voices
that want to be heard.
So much to mention,
but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic,
the beauty that's been,
when love was wilder than the wind.