St. Louis Blues
This weekend I had the great pleasure of spending a day in the STL with my bf. After a horribly cloudy and drizzly Friday, Saturday decided to cooperate, and we were able to spend a sunny fall day at the zoo and botanical garden. We then ate a scrumptious Italian dinner and made our way to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra concert. The anticipated crowd pleaser was also my favorite--Tchaikovsky's fourth symphony. Written at a turbulent time in the composer's life, it is more forceful than one usually associates with Tchaikovsky, almost to the point of violent at times. However, it is not all somber and desolate. The playfully giddy scherzo of the third movement serves as prime example with the strings playing pizzicato the entire movement! Do give it a listen if you are unfamiliar with the work!
Ed and I stayed in a three-star hotel for only $50 (normally $189) due to Priceline. Thank you William Shatner! I drove Eddy back to Columbia in time to enjoy about two hours at home before turning around and driving BACK to STL to meet my brother and his wife for dinner. They were passing through on their way to IL from OK. Silly circumstances and a bit of poor planning on my part resulted in me spending six hours on I-70. It was all worth it though.
The most random tidbit from the day was passing a purple PT Cruiser with BRIGHT yellow hubcaps on the way home from STL and then passing the SAME car on my way back this evening! There is no accounting for poor taste or apparently why I kept running into this horrendous vehicle today!